25 Tango Lessons
On sale now
Andrea discovered Argentine tango in her 20s. Over the next decades it gradually changed – and in many ways became – her life. Just about everything in tango is a microcosm of life at large, and just about everything we learn on the dance floor is a life lesson as well. This book is a collection of some of the most interesting and valuable things this passionate and complex dance has taught Andrea over the years she has been practising and teaching it.
Illustrated by Juan C. Raggo
Find out more about 25 Tango Lessons by watching the promotional video from the Argentine Tango Books site.
The official Book Launch Party was held at the MonTango dance studio in Montreal on Sept. 10, 2021
Where to buy
Montreal locations:
Indigo, Place Montréal Trust, 1500 McGill College Ave., Montreal, QC H3A 3J5 | (514) 281-5549 | chapters.indigo.ca
Kidlink, 5604 Monkland Ave., Montreal, QC H4A 1E3 | (514) 482-4188
Librairie Saga, 5574 Upper-Lachine Rd., Montreal, QC H4A 2A7 | (514) 977-4359 | librairiesaga.ca
MonTango, 5588A Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, QC H4A 1W3 | (514) 486-5588 | montango.ca
Sea of Tranquility, 1435 Saint Alexandre, Suite 350, Montreal. QC H3A2G4 | 514-789-0160 | seaoftranquilityyoga.com
The old cliché “It takes two to tango” exists for a reason. Tango is the quintessential couple dance. Without a partner, there is no tango.
However, this does not mean we need a regular partner. In tango, we aim to find, create, and build an intense connection in a very short time. It is part of the beauty, the allure, and the challenge of tango. This can be done with one regular partner or with a variety of rotating ones. Or both. Maybe tonight we will dance only with each other, but tomorrow night we will dance with half the dancers in the room. It doesn’t matter. During each dance, everything we do should be caused or inspired by the person we are dancing with.
If we can focus more on our partners than on ourselves, we will shine in our role—whether we are leader or follower. If we help our partners by leading or following better, by waiting for and being patient with them, we will allow them to dance with more ease and enjoyment. In turn, we will dance with more ease and enjoyment. The tango relationship is not linear; it is circular. It is a constant give-and-take between the two partners, so whatever we give, we will get back.