10 things I love about you

You move me

Dance with me

Stand with me

Contain me

Free me

Feed me

Please me

Betray me

Hurt me

Heal me

I would literally be nobody without you

I wrote this little poem in 2021 but thought it would be an appropriate post for International Women’s Day. You might have guessed that the “you” in the poem is my body, which has received a lot of hate from me over the years, but which deserves a lot of love. I think this is common for women, who so often hate their bodies’ look, shape, size, aches, pains, signs of aging, inability to do certain things, but whose bodies do wonderful, miraculous things every day, like breathing, walking, digesting, laughing, stretching, dancing, recovering, giving birth and so many more things big and small.

Andrea Shepherd

I am a writer, dancer and yoga teacher in Montreal, Quebec. I run the MonTango Argentine tango school and released my first book, 25 Tango Lessons, in both English and French, in 2021. My first novel, The Curtain Lady, was published in 2023.


Dancing through the pandemic